Improving Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc.

Project scope
Communications Market research Competitive analysis Market expansion Sales strategySkills
usability testing target audience new product development salesThe main goal of this project is to improve Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc. by reviewing our processes and services to improve the company to be the best client centric care that we take pride in providing. This includes building a competitive landscape for our company and providing analysis of the competitors, conducting user testing on our company's new product and providing an analysis on the results, and providing best strategies and best practices to determine our target audience and determine where to find them, as well as building a sales closing document/pitch to increase sales.
By the end of the project, students should demonstrate:
- Understanding of our existing services and processes
- Understanding of the competitive landscape
- Analysis of user testing results
- Identification of target audience and best practices for reaching them
- Creation of a sales closing document/pitch
Final deliverables should include:
- All source code
- A written report explaining the design process and outcomes
- A presentation summarizing the project
- I will make myself be available to the student through weekly 1 on 1's ,and providing guidance and setting expectations for the student to deliver the tasks in a timely fashion!
- I will make myself available on slack (our internal communication channel) almost anytime the student might need help!
Supported causes
The global challenges this project addresses, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learn more about all 17 SDGs here.
About the organization
We provide online/virtual addiction and mental health treatment services to anyone anywhere at an affordable cost. Our goal is to help as many individuals as possible with our Addiction and mental health online /virtual treatment options as possible. Ensuring anyone is able to get the treatment they deserve at the time they require it!