Effective CRM and Digital Strategies

TeleVU Innovation Ltd.
Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
Ryan De'Larami
Founder & CEO
Academic experience
120 hours of work total
Intermediate level

Project scope

Communications Sales strategy Social media marketing
self-motivation social marketing lead management digital marketing social media customer relationship management sales

As a tech startup, we have been focused on R&D and launching our technology and given our limited resources, we haven't spent much time thinking about customer relations and engagement strategies.

We are seeking help from a highly motivated and creative team to help our startup build an effective lead management strategy and utilize digital marketing tools to connect and engage customers during onboarding, training and usage of our technology.

We also need to develop a social marketing strategy to deliver our message and grow our digital footprint.


While we will rely on the team to formulate the best approach, here are some thoughts on what we hope to get out of this:

  • -Strategy guide to better manage our sales channel, engage our customers and develop a social media presence for effective messaging

Our CEO and CTO will work closely with the students to provide the information and resources they need from us to complete the task.

About the organization

Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
2 - 10 employees
Hospital, health, wellness & medical, It & computing

TeleVU Innovation Ltd. is an Ontario startup Technology company offering innovative AR, AI and IoT solutions with a special focus on healthcare. Our flagship product is TeleVU iSee & uSee software application working on Smart Glasses to allow remote medical assistance and telepresence guidance. Built on this platform, the company is building an ecosystem of connected products (Eco-VU), which includes a remote patient monitoring platform (BioVU) and a health system cloud-based patient follow-up and triage portal (ClinicVU). All of which will be overseen by various Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications. (AI-VU)