Task Option 4- Course Design

Project scope
Creative writing Humanities Visual arts Education HistorySkills
planningStudent(s) have an opportunity to work with school principal in learning how to develop a course . Student(s) will be able to understand the requirements and information that must be followed when planning a course for students.
Student(s) will need to learn and understand course outline and requirements so be able to conduct the course designing and planning task for B.C High School learning.
School Principal will provide guild line to you for supports in this project.
About the organization
Founded in the Canadian tradition of multiculturalism and rooted in enduring humanistic values, City Vancouver Academy High School welcomes and affirms the dignity of all human beings. The work of strengthening equity and inclusivity requires deep listening with open hearts and open minds. We honor and affirm the experiences of our students, faculty, and staff as critical to building a more inclusive and beloved community. Finally, we take our moral responsibility seriously: to prepare our students to work together as global citizens committed to ongoing civil discourse, to aspire, to transform their worldview. BC Education Register Number: 03896889