Strategic Management Information Systems Capstone

MIST 4610
Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Trent Tucker
Associate Teaching Professor
  • January 4, 2024
    Experience start
  • April 6, 2024
    Experience end
1/1 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred organizations
Any organization type
Any industries

Experience scope

Security (cybersecurity and IT security) Information technology Data modelling Communications
information technology auditing data and network security enterprise reporting systems xml xbrl decision-making models
Learner goals and capabilities

We invite industry partners who are eager to collaborate with TRU's learners enrolled in the Strategic Management Information Systems Capstone. Our undergraduate analytics minors are on the path to learning about decision-making and problem-solving processes in business and accounting.

Here are the key learning topics that our learners are developing of the course of this experience:

  • Managing the entire lifecycle of data (collecting, interpreting, modelling and communicating the results)
  • Accounting information systems development
  • Information technology auditing
  • Data and network security
  • Enterprise reporting systems
  • Decision-making models
  • And More!

Matching Process:

  1. Submit a match request detailing your project.
  2. Engage in a discussion with the course instructor over a video call.
  3. If the synergy is mutual, confirm the match on the Riipen platform.
  4. Projects become available for student selection; here, collaboration takes shape as students choose projects aligned with their interests.

Ideal Partner:

The ideal collaborator is a business owner ready to present a clear project with a well-defined business problem. Whether research-oriented, task-focused, or a blend of both, flexibility to negotiate project scope is a key attribute.


Any level
8 learners
40 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 4
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Our learners will provide to your organization:

  • A comprehensive final report documenting key findings and strategic insights.
  • A compelling final presentation, sharing the journey, outcomes, and actionable recommendations.
Project timeline
  • January 4, 2024
    Experience start
  • April 6, 2024
    Experience end

Project Examples

  1. Data Dive for Efficiency: Streamline your business operations by allowing our students to delve into your data, proposing solutions for enhanced efficiency and strategic decision-making.
  2. Shielding Digital Assets: Collaborate with our learners to fortify your information systems against evolving cybersecurity threats. Ensure the safety and integrity of your digital infrastructure.
  3. Strategic Analytics in Action: Witness the tangible impact of analytics on your organizational strategy. Let our students unravel insights that steer your business towards smarter, data-driven decisions.