NURS 377 Nursing in Communities

MacEwan University
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Experiential Learning Facilitator
  • January 15, 2025
    Experience start
  • April 11, 2025
    Experience end
8 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred organizations
Any organization type
Any industries

Experience scope

Public health Healthcare
holistic health
Learner goals and capabilities

Invitation to Partner with MacEwan University 3rd Year Community Nursing


Invitation: We are seeking community agencies to partner with the MacEwan Bachelor

of Science in Nursing Program in the third year community health nursing course. Our

course focuses on health promotion and population health. We are looking for

community agencies that have education, health promotion/project needs, or perhaps

just need a few extra helping hands! While working with you to accomplish some of the

goals of your agency, students will gain an understanding of how working with people

from other sectors, disciplines, and associations enhance population health. We would

love the opportunity to work with you.

Student Role: In consultation with faculty and in collaboration with your community

agency, students will utilize relevant decision-making tools and may develop and

implement a health promotion project dependent on the needs of your agency. Students

are required to understand the mandate of your group or agency and the population(s)

you serve. The students will conduct a situational assessment to identify or confirm the

needs of your population. The results of the situational assessment may be used to

implement a health promotion project or serve as the basis for service learning.

Your Role: We would like you to designate a lead person(s) to provide an orientation

to your agency, the work you do, and the population you serve. Students will then link

with the designated staff to communicate and plan throughout the rotation.

Our Role Faculty members will meet with the project lead to clarify goals and

expectations. To facilitate communication and accessibility, instructors will be available

by phone and email throughout the 5 week time period. Students are required to

update and consult with their instructors on a regular basis.

Commitment: Each clinical course is 5 weeks and is split between agency time and

clinical time. The students are allocated half of their time to their work with your agency

(approximately 6-9 shifts). This time can be utilized on site, off site, or a combination of

both. We have a total of 6 rotations per academic year (September to April). Our goal is to foster sustainable partnerships. We are open to partnering for as many rotations as you need throughout the year

Contact: We hope you will be interested and look forward to hearing from you.If you

have further questions, please contact Nichole or



Intermediate levels
35 learners
20 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 5
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Students will also develop project evaluation criteria. In the past students have conducted need and capacity assessments by applying a specifically developed assessment tool or organizing focus groups. They have worked with others to develop policy, information brochures, set-up small programs, or to develop and deliver presentations. In general, we have received positive feedback from our partners about our students. 

Project timeline
  • January 15, 2025
    Experience start
  • April 11, 2025
    Experience end

Project Examples


Sample of Previous Community Partnerships

Presentations and Brochures

1. Mustard Seed Nutritional Cookbook

Mustard Seed Nutritional Cookbook - MacEwan Nursing Students.pdf

2. Leduc Hub Resource Mapping for Houseless Clients

Leduc Hub resource mapping.pdf

3. Healthcare Services Available in Rural Kneehill County Alberta

Kneehill Welcome Package Insert.pdf

4. How to Find a Family Doctor - New Canadians Resource

How to Find a Family Doctor - Brochure .pdf

5. Mental Health Presentation - Junior High Students

Copy of Mental Health Presentation .pptx

6. Health Promotion Strategies - Feeling Anxious, Overwhelmed or Out of Control

Blue White Playful Illustration Lifestyle Poster.pdf

7. Mindfulness Month Calendar - Mindfulness Month

Activities and Health Promotion

1. Focus Groups - planning, running, data collection

2. Staff Education eg: presentations, discussions, resources

3. Client Education eg: presentations, discussions, resources

4. Staff/Client Resources

5. Social Media content with a nursing lens/expertise

6. Wellness activities and engagement eg: health fairs, meal planning and


7. Creation or participation in delivery of services pertaining to your agency (serving

meals, engaging with clients, preparing resources,etc..)

Example of Projects:

  • Create a pamphlet, presentation or other materials related to healthcare topics
  • Organize an event that focuses on healthcare topics
  • Support community projects related to healthcare topics
  • Produce content for your organization related to community nursing

What you get—While we cannot guarantee a final functional project, the community partner organization will receive some type of final project deliverables by the end of the winter term. The expected deliverable will vary depending on the community partner's needs.